Suffering from Indigestion?

Suffering from Indigestion?

DigestionOur body systems function efficiently when we eat healthy foods in the right proportions, drink lots of pure, filtered water, and breathe clean air. We will remain healthy, as long as these processes go unhindered, and as long as our various body systems receive the raw materials they need to grow, repair, function, and fuel our body. It is essential then that we do everything possible to get the most from our meals. Proper digestion is essential in ensuring that you get maximum nutrients from your meals. There are six Processes of Digestion:

1. Ingestion via The Mouth

  • To begin digestion, we first chew up foods into swallowable portions. You should chew thoroughly before swallowing. (It is recommended that you chew 20 times or more before swallowing.)
  • Salivary amylase will break down some carbs (polysaccharides) in the mouth.
  • From the mouth, food moves through the Pharynx (a passageway where nothing happens).
    • Disease/Pharyngial tumor could affect transport of food to the stomach.

2. Propulsion (Movement) starts in the Esophagus

  • Upon swallowing, the food passes through a long tube called the esophagus into the stomach. The esophagus is non-acidic.
  • A fold of tissue – very strong muscular ring (the cardia spincter) functions as a valve, stopping food and digestive juices from re-entering the esophagus.
  • If the esophagus is damaged by tumour, hiatus hernia (when a part of the stomach is pulled up through the diaphragm) – it can impede the progress of food to the stomach. It may develop varicose veins or internal bleeding in the esophagus.
  • If acid backs up in the esophagus, it can lead to cancer.

3. Mechanical Digestion – mixing starts in The Stomach

  • The stomach has many layers of heavy muscle, which make the stomach “churn” like a washing machine.
  • As the stomach churns, it begins making acid digestive juices Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) that begin protein digestion, and mucous which protects the stomach from its own acid.
  • The HCL acid – involved in protein digestion. Stomach also has pepsinogen, which turns into pepsin to help digest protein.
  • FAT DIGESTION: Gastric Lipase starts FAT digestion, very lightly (people that don’t have a gallbladder must depend on the pancreas)
  • CARB DIGESTION: Carbs don’t break down in the stomach
  • CALCIUM & IRON: Need to be ionized by stomach acid in order to be absorbed in the small intestine. Not enough stomach acid can lead to osteoporosis and anemia.
  • INTRINSIC FACTOR: Vitamins come from macronutrients, either Protein, Carbs, or Fat. Vitamin B12 – connected to Amino Acid – Protein broken away from B12 molecule – B12 stands on its own (intrinsic factor) – ensures B12 absorbed when separated from amino acid.

Pathologies of the stomach

Hiatus Hernia – When a part of the stomach is pulled up through the diaphragm. Some doctors blame this on a genetically short esophagus.

  • However, the diaphragm has a weakness that allowed the stomach to pull up through it.
  • When the stomach is in a state of shock, this may slowly develop into an actual spasm of the stomach muscles. Spasm results in shortening of the muscle. In the more severe states, even the muscles of the esophagus can spasm, causing it to shorten.
  • Combine this shortened esophagus with a weakened diaphragm and you have a hiatus hernia.
  • The irritation of the stomach begins in early childhood, even thought the physical signs may not show on an x-ray till years later.

Low Stomach Acid – Hypochlorhydria – If the stomach does not churn properly, not enough digestive juice will be made.

  • Not enough digestive juice = poor nutrient absorption.
  • Stomach acid is important for the absorption of minerals and amino acids (protein).
    • Calcium & Iron will pass through the digestive system without being absorbed.
    • Lack of stomach acid is one of the main causes of poor absorption of minerals. This can lead to osteoporosis and anemia.
  • If the stomach acid that begins protein digestion is low, this means that amino acids deficiency can result, although this is rare.
  • Poor protein digestion can lead to “chunks” of protein traveling farther down in the intestinal tract. These chunks of protein can adhere to the sides of the small intestine, causing inflammation and creating larger spaces between the cells of the intestinal walls, causing leaky gut – leading to food allergies & autoimmune diseases.


  • Undersecretion of stomach acid can also allow organisms to flourish in the stomach, because stomach acid is one of the natural antibiotics.
  • If the stomach does not make enough mucus to protect itself from acid, even the slightest amount of acid can result in acid irritation, which can cause ulceration.

High Stomach Acid – Hyperchlorhydria

  • Stress increases stomach acid (Normally food/protein signals HCL release)
  • NSAIDs – Anti-inflammatory Drugs (Aspirin, Advil, Motrin) can increase stomach acid. Use coated Aspirin. If not, it can eat up the mucosa of the stomach. Tylenol goes directly to the liver and small intestine.
  • Spicy foods (in some individuals)
  • Smoking, Coffee (caffeine), Alcohol, insufficient good bacterial flora, or H.Pylori in the stomach

We may have a depletion of HCL, e.g. lots of meat depletes stomach HCL so that the digestion will not be as good – depleted glands. When we don’t digest protein properly release gas bloating, burping acidic content back into esophagus (improper digestion). May experience discomfort between the shoulder blades – heartburn, usually acidic vapour touching the esophagus. When a person has heartburn: Take 2 glasses of cold water quickly, and chew on 2 long celery sticks.

Stomach Juice is also the “spark” that ignites the action of the intestine.

  • The rhythmic contraction that is set into motion by stomach acid is peristalsis.
  • Poor stomach function can be one of the causes of constipation, as lack of acid stimulation can result in decreased peristalsis.

4. Chemical Breakdown of Food Particles – Small Intestine & The Pancreas

  • Food moves from the stomach into the duodenum, which is the beginning of the small intestine. Alkaline bile from the liver and gallbladder is added to help emulsify fats and lubricate the intestine, and also large quantities of alkaline enzymes from the pancreas.
  • These digestive enzymes from the pancreas: Protease = breaks down Proteins into amino acids; Amylase = digest Carbs; and Lipase = digest Fats. The pancreas will finish up digesting whatever the mouth and stomach have failed to digest. These digestive juices from the pancreas are the group of digestive enzymes that most people depend upon for the bulk of their digestion. Not chewing foods properly puts even more stress on the pancreas.

5. Absorption of Nutrients

Happens in the small intestine. Nutrients transported to blood and liver to fuel all organ systems.

6. Elimination/Defecation

Bowel motility is extremely important for the maintenance of good health. Regularity means eliminating once or twice daily, with optimum transit time of 18 hours. Eating fibrous foods, ingesting healthy fats, and drinking lots of pure filtered water all factor into proper elimination.

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